Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, our pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values
Design Technology and Cooking/Nutrition
How Design Technology is taught at Weston Park Primary School and Weston Shore Infant School
The children cover a wide range of skills from learning how to sew textiles to cooking food products. The Design and Technology curriculum has been updated to make sure that it follows the new National Curriculum so that the new skills are covered.
Cooking and Nutrition
Cooking and Nutrition is taught alongside Design Technology when the children have to design and make a food product for a client. We have also planned in opportunities when the children can cook for festivals or special occasions for example, Diwali, Christmas or bonfire night.
We feel it is vitally important that all of the children know about healthy eating, where our food comes from and how to cook, as these are skills that they will need all throughout life. One of our whole school foci has been Health and Well-being as we believe it to be top priority for our children.
We have a dedicated cooking club that runs twice a week. Children learn cooking skills, develop their instructional reading and team-work skills.
SMSC and philosophy in design technology and cooking/nutrition
SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. This is at the heart of our curriculum and we want our children to make safe choices and develop a deep spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
We also teach P4C, Philosophy for Children, and we want our children to have the chance to discuss and debate in an open-minded manner
Read more about our curriculum.